I hope that you are all doing well. We miss you. Much love....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A little bit of Southern Comfort!!
We had a southern night at our house... Here I am enjoying the great food that my adoring husband made for us. He is an awesome cook for those of you who didn't know. The menu was seasoned salmon fillets-seared and baked, crawfish boiled in Cajun seasoning, rice, salad (for me), and noodles. Alex had her own comfort food, mac n cheese but it was special...scooby-doo. 
Tym ate a whopping 12 or so crawfish on his own. He barely even touched his mac n cheese. He even shelled them himself and ate them without sauce.
This is the master piece before we ate it. Doesn't it look amazing?
If you want some we have more.....come and get it!!!
All of our snow is melting. The temp was 40 degrees today and that is above 0. We feel like it's spring around here. It is supposed to get cold again though. Well, we're hangin' in there. We still haven't found a car but we are looking very carefully. We have tried the auto auctions and places like that. We have to wait for them to call back because they look for you to see if they have anything that you would want. You can't just tell them that you want anything. It has to be specific.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Prayer Request
Ok so I don't usually ask for much help. We are really in need of a car. We have been praying so hard but nothing has come up. We are just asking for you to pray with us about this. It sounds petty to ask about a car but we need it really bad. Mike and I work on seperate sides of the city and we are always having to compromise something because of the one vehicle. Just pray that we will find something affordable. We are saving money for a used car that will get us from here to there. If God brings us something else we would be greatful. We know that you will all pray with us. We love you all...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mike made it home
I took a few pics of our weather today. The top pic is from our kitchen window out onto the street toward the west. Our wind has picked up to high of 50mph and the drifts are incredible. Our temp this am was 27 or so and it dropped down to 7 by the time I left school. Our temp during the night is supposed to be -7 with a -22 degree windchill. We are so excited about that. We are also to getting more snow.
This is basically the same thing only from outside. The sunset was amazing tonight.
Just FYI: Mike finally made it home safely. It was about 9pm last night but we were all waiting for him. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement while he was away.
Much Love...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Weekend without Dad
Here's some things that we did this weekend without dad. He's still gone...it's Sunday afternoon now. Hopefully he will be in the car on his way home from Minneapolis soon.
Thanks Nathan and Robbie for the awesome scarves. They are so great and kept us warm while we were out in the snow. They even matched too.
CHEESEBURGER!!! Literally, we went to McDonalds yesterday. What fun.
Tym had a basketball game at the YMCA. He is the one with his hands up. Yes, play that defense.
Alex was practicing taking her own picture.
This is a little bit of our snow. We had more last night and we are supposed to get a bunch tonight. This is out the backdoor. If you look real hard you can see the pee stain from joe joe.
Well, hope you are all doing well so far this new year. We miss you all.
Much love...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Grandpa Ramsey
For those of you who read this regularly... Mike's grandpa Ramsey (Sally's dad) passed away this past Monday. It was very shocking since we had just seen him at Christmas. I guess he has had heart trouble for years and it finally gave up, he died Monday at the hospital in Richmond of a heart attack. Please pray for Mike, he went home yesterday to be with the family. They asked him to do the Eulogy but not be too preachy. How do you do that? Anyway, we are all doing well. Just chugging on and handling things at home. Love you all...
Friday, January 2, 2009
The past
So you all know that I lost all of our pics from October to December. We have been taking pictures like crazy so you can all see what we've been up to lately. As you can tell I am finishing up my Christmas vacation at home and I am working on a computer at home. My wonderful husband of 8 years has surprised the family with a brand new laptop. I had told you previously that our other computer literally died, it wouldn't even turn on anymore. We are excited and love being able to communicate with all of you. So here goes.
The Hofer's took a long trip to Indiana for Christmas. We stopped in Marion first and stayed with Mrs. Teresa and visited with old friends. We then moved on, which took 3 hours to get there because of an ice storm, to Richmond, IN. That is my in-laws. We spent Christmas there and then headed home. It doesn't sound like much but man were we ready to get home and sleep. We finally slept and then we had an all-nighter at the church on New Year's Eve. That was brilliant!!! Mike and I stayed up all night with the students and of course none of them slept either. We had fun though. We spent yesterday (Jan.1st) inside our house just sleeping and watching movies. It sounds like it was restful but it wasn't. So, today we are watching Phinneas and Ferb on Disney channel and getting ready to shower. We have some things to do, like go to the music store and get some new piano books for my students and get some supplies for school next week.
Since I had lost all of our recent pictures I did not send out Christmas cards this year. Sorry about that. I just usually write a letter of the year and then put in some recent pics. I was so distraught about the pics that I didn't even do it. Consider this your Christmas letter. We love you all so much.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. We love you all and wish you a Happy New Year!
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