Monday, December 15, 2008


Ok Melissa you were right! I want the 1 degree temp back. Today we left the house and it was -13 degrees. I think it's warmed up a bit to -5 now. Bring out the shorts!!! Our windchill today is -36 and the kids are still going strong in school today. They will be antsy by Friday I'm sure. We love ya'll...


Melissa said...

I hear that! Did you guys get hammered with snow over the weekend? We only got about 3 inches; it was mostly north of the twin cities. I never saw so many below zero days (actual temperature) until I moved to Minnesota. It's crazy cold up here!

Sarah Lindegren said...

Wow. Not to rub it in or anything (forget that, I am rubbing it in) it was 67 degrees here on Monday. It's cooled off a little since then to a lovely 46 today!